Safe money and keep an eye on your office when you are away.
WebCam Monitor lets you to use your usual webcam as if it were a security cam.
If you need to keep an eye on any place (i.e. your house or office) but you can’t afford it or simply you think is too much money you have to invest, you can take this alternative method.
Thanks to WebCam Monitor you will be able to use your webcam as vigilance trooper, so it will warn you if it watches any movement. In addition we can setup a timetable so it will switch on/off at the scheduled times.
It will record videos and you’ll see what has happened in your house or office when you were out. Webcam monitor will send you an email warning you with the captured images.
And if you have more than one webcam, you can use up to 4, so your places will be even safer.